Dear Landlord  – Tips & Tricks for Apartment Residents with Clogged Drains

What to do about Clogged Drains

Dear Landlord,

How Do I Stop Hair Clogs in My DrainsMy bathroom sink and shower are very slow to drain after I use them. I have this problem and need to stop hair clogs in drains wherever I go. Whenever I visit my parents, they have to call a plumber after I leave. Same at the gym. They revoked my membership last month. Should I pour some Drano down my pipes in my apartment whenever this happens? Is it wise to carry a small bottle of Drano with me for emergencies like this?

Harry Pitts

Dear Mr. Pitts,

When your drains get clogged, call maintenance as soon as possible. Lucky for you that you live in apartments managed by Charter Property Group, Cincinnati, OH. We take your maintenance concerns very seriously. Our Maintenance Tech, Mr. Bill, will respond promptly to stop hair clogs in your problems.

In a case like this, do not be tempted to use Mr. Drano before calling Mr. Bill. Pouring Drano down your sink, tub or toilet (yuck!) will melt the clog but will also eat holes in your pipes. This causes gross leaks and other problems for you and your neighbors. Plus it is harmful to skin, eyes and lungs. It is our job to keep our residents, our employees and our properties safe. If you cause frequent clogs, it is a good idea to install small metal wire screens in your sinks, showers and drains..

Tips: . If you carry Drano-to-go when you travel or work out,  DO NOT put it in your back pants pocket. No bottle is truly leak proof under pressure. Ouch!

Instead I recommend carrying a small wire screen. It can be silently slipped into any pocket and used discreetly wherever you go.

P.S. Please consider a complete body wax. I heard it’s very in with the ladies, these days. Double ouch!